It's been awhile since we have posted a blog, and we want to make sure we get back to posting more helpful content. We thought doing a blog on reminding folks there are resources and support out there during these challenging times would be a good place to start. It's definitely been a strange time the last two years. Who would have thought a pandemic would descend upon us and stick around for such a long time?

Rates of suicide, mental health disorders, loneliness, and overall life dissatisfaction is higher than ever. First, you are not alone. Humankind is being impacted across the board. Second, times ARE challenging. There's no sugar coating it. Life is hard right now, and you have every reason to be frustrated with how things are. Third, things are weird. No matter which way you slice it, there really is no normal.

With all of this said, there is help out there and there are ways to navigate life right now. Here are few things to keep in mind:

  1. Say something. Communicate to others how you are feeling.
  2. Ask for help. People don't know what they don't know. So don't assume others know that you're struggling.
  3. Prioritize self-care. For real. Are you eating, sleeping, attending to hygiene, etc.? Those basics are foundational building blocks to mental health.
  4. Step back and reassess. It's helpful to re-evaluate your short term and long term goals. Try to refrain from making lengthy to do lists. Temper expectations of yourself. Ask yourself what your priorities and values are and how you can live congruently with them.
  5. Establish and keep those boundaries. Holding boundaries is a very important part of mental wellness. Safeguard your time. Say no when needed.
  6. Check those cognitive distortions. It's easy to get sucked into negative automatic thinking. Be sure to ask yourself, "am I assuming? Or is this thought accurate?"
  7. One day at a time. Approaching things in a more step by step manner can help avoid that feeling of being overwhelmed. You can only control yourself in the present moment.

Remember: You are not alone. Turn towards help instead of way. Delay rash decisions. Slow down. Breathe.

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Meghan Reitz

Meghan Reitz, LCPC, NCC, has worked within the counseling profession for over 19 years. Her therapist experience includes providing individual, couples, family, group, and crisis counseling. She also speaks with companies and groups on mental health and wellness topics. Learn more about Meghan here.